Monday, March 16, 2009

Greatest Hits

The record plays,
it's melody soothing,
a respite for the soul.

Thoughts abound
of love won, love lost.
And all the inconsistencies between.

A prayer leaves my lips,
heart stay strong,
be still.

Momentary joy,
there, then fleeting,
accompany the ebb and flow.

The record plays, the needle skips.
The din harsh, unsettling.
I recoil out of reflex.

The Cacophony of the lost,
the broken-hearted and the cynical,
I remain amongst it, grasping.

Regrets flourish,
sorrow overwhelms.
Control is lost.

My prayer returns,
it's power hundredfold,
the Lion-hearted prevails.

I remove the needle,
the record slows,
the vinyl returns to it's home.

Just an album in my collection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What I love about this poem is the way the passive voice is used all throughout the poem, signifying a complete loss of control. In the final stanza returns to the active voice, and the narrator reveals himself as he regains his strength. Beautiful.